Greg Meek Presented the NCIS Membership Services Award

February 16, 2011

OVERLAND PARK, Kansas – February 16, 2011

OVERLAND PARK, KAN…Greg Meek, formerly of Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowa, West Des Moines, IA, was presented with the National Crop Insurance Services Membership Services Award at the 2011 Crop Insurance Industry Annual Convention.

Greg devoted most of his 36‐year career to the promotion and betterment of Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowa, and the crop insurance industry as a whole. Through the years, Greg’s insight, integrity, and experience have been key components to his success.

Greg began working for Farmers Mutual Hail as an adjuster, then field supervisor and finally state supervisor for Arkansas and Missouri. He moved to the home office in 1995 to become the assistant claims manager and, soon after, claims manager. Greg retired from Farmers Mutual Hail late last year as the senior vice president of the MPCI Department.

Greg gave generously of his time to industry associations. He rose to the top positions on some committees because of his leadership and willingness to go the extra mile. Greg served as chairman of the NCIS Crop‐Hail Policy, Procedure and Loss Adjustment Committee for many years and oversaw many changes to handbooks, policies and the research projects.
