NCIS Responds to OIG Prevented Planting Report
Contact Laurie Langstraat, 913-685-2767
The following statement regarding the USDA/OIG report “RMA: Controls Over Prevented Planting” should be attributed to Tom Zacharias, president, National Crop Insurance Services.
“Prevented planting is a potentially devastating situation which is why many farmers purchase crop insurance to help mitigate the risk. It is important that preventing planting coverage provisions be clarified to control loss situations and improve the integrity of the crop insurance program. ”
“In addition, it should be noted that crop insurance companies have millions of dollars at stake on these policies, so it is also in our best interest that any ambiguities be addressed. To that end, the industry has made a number of recommendations to RMA to further clarify the provisions of the crop insurance policy and promote program integrity. Several of these recommendations are to be implemented for the 2014 and succeeding crop years. Crop insurance is the primary risk management tool for America’s farmers and any changes that strengthen the program benefits farmers, taxpayers and participating companies alike.”