Crop Insurance Adjuster Schools Off to a Great Start!
Crop insurance loss supervisors and loss adjusters attended classes that provided them with updated field instruction, basic procedures, recent loss adjustment policy changes and hands-on training for dealing with crops damaged by hail. The classes, part an ongoing adjuster educational series sponsored by National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS), were held in Columbia, Missouri in early June.
Nationally, more than 1,200 adjusters – new and experienced – attend these classes each year to learn valuable information, hone their skills, or teach new adjusters the ins and outs of loss adjustment. When asked what the goal of this school was, Missouri’s NCIS Regional/State Chairman, Jeff Dexter, Rain and Hail, explained: “To create an environment where new and seasoned adjusters can learn and follow procedures in loss adjustments.” He went on to say, “…I think it is a responsibility of companies and seasoned adjusters to pass on knowledge to the future leaders of our trade. In the end, we all have one common goal – to follow the procedures provided to us from the many years of (NCIS) research.”
As one of the 13 NCIS schools being held in 2014, the Missouri Crop-Hail Wheat and Corn School was the second of the season. Kathy Holmes, a Claims Adjuster for ARMtech Insurance Services said, “I really enjoyed the hail school this year. I have been numerous times and each year it gets better.”
The improvement and continuation Holmes speaks of is necessary for this industry to survive, as adjusters must be able to distinguish a range of possible causes of loss in combination with current issues or changes to procedure. Along with NCIS-sponsored schools, Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs) also conduct their own training sessions across the United States on a variety of crops. It is through the hands-on training at these schools that farmers can rest assured knowing the loss adjuster who comes to his/her farm is adequately trained and the loss will be evaluated based on sound, scientifically-proven procedures.