‘Crop Insurance: Just the Facts’ Update Released at Global Conference
As insurance leaders from more than 30 nations gather here to discuss farm policy and the challenges facing the global agricultural sector, National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS) today released an updated version of “Crop Insurance: Just the Facts.”
This resource has been one of the most popular destinations on the NCIS website for years, and it uses government data, academic research, and information from other trusted sources to answer common questions about the U.S. crop insurance system.
NCIS President Tom Zacharias said the web-based tool should be valuable to his international colleagues and explained that it was important to ensure the site contained the most up-to-date information in time for the conference.
“Regardless of your level of knowledge of crop insurance, ‘Just the Facts’ will help you better understand the inner workings of the primary risk management tool for America’s farmers and ranchers,” he said.
The updates not only drill down on the new 2014 Farm Bill, but also cover other issues, including the economics of the crop insurance industry, how crop insurance benefits consumers and producers alike, and rebuttals to farm policy critics.
“It is essential that we provide an informative resource that sets the record straight on key issues in agricultural risk management and farm policy,” Zacharias explained. “Now policymakers and global leaders have a place to go to find just the facts about the questions they have about the cornerstone of America’s farm safety net.”
The International Association of Agricultural Production Insurers (AIAG) – comprised of risk management leaders from Europe, Asia, Russia, and North and South America – are holding their biennial conference for the first time ever in the United States. The event runs through Wednesday.
“Crop Insurance: Just the Facts” is available at www.CropInsuranceInAmerica.org/about-crop-insurance/just-the-facts.