Multiple deadlines facing farmers; Fall crop insurance decisions due
September 8, 2009
This release affects 41 states, with the exception of: Arizona, Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Utah and Vermont.
OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS…This is the time of year when farmers face multiple deadlines. They are harvesting their spring planted crops and, depending on the yield and revenue potential, they may need to consider the basics of how to report damage to their crop insurance agent. At the same time they are also making their crop insurance decisions for fall planted crops.
September 30 is the deadline for producers to sign up for federally subsidized crop insurance coverage on fall-seeded crops like winter wheat, barley, oats, and forage production.
Meanwhile, the combines are bringing in the corn harvest, with soybeans soon to come.
Producers should check the yield and revenue potential of their spring planted crops. Remember, it is very important to follow the crop damage reporting requirements if a loss is anticipated. The first one to know is that insurance policies require written notice be given to your crop insurance agent, by crop, and by unit/farm, if you suspect there is a loss. This must be done within 72 hours of discovery of damage or loss and 15 days before harvest begins.
The most important thing to remember is “Don’t destroy the evidence of damage until a loss adjuster evaluates it!”
For more information, contact a crop insurance agent and don’t forget the September 30 deadline for fall planted crops. Not all crops or all types of policies are available in every state or county so find a local agent for help in determining what works best for your risk management needs.