NCIS Responds to New York Times Editorial
Below you will find NCIS’ response to the New York Times editorial “Here’s an Easy One” from January 15, 2011.
NCIS Response To the Editor:
The call for billions of dollars in farm subsidy cuts (“Here’s an Easy One“, Jan. 15) offered a misleading treatment of crop insurance.
First, farmers’ premium subsidies do not raise premiums. Premiums are actuarially determined based on actual crop history. Farmers receive premium subsidies, which provide for affordable protection against natural disasters. Crop insurance provides the financial safety net for America’s farmers and ranchers and avoids the multi-billion dollar emergency disaster programs of the past.
Second, The Times omits the new agreement reached in 2010 between the insurance companies and the Administration that provides at least $4 billion in crop insurance program cuts. These cuts are specifically earmarked for deficit reduction. People in agriculture want deficit reduction just as much as the Times. Agriculture is willing to contribute our fair share, based on accurate analysis and recognition that agriculture has just contributed billions, unlike many other sectors of our economy.
Thomas P. Zacharias, President
Original New York Times editorial can be found here: Here’s an Easy One.