Crop Insurance is the Cornerstone of the Farm Safety Net
Crop insurance serves America’s farmers and ranchers through effective risk management tools that strengthen the economic stability of agricultural producers and their rural communities. This ensures Americans have access to a safe and secure food supply.
Because it protects all American farming operations—no matter the size—it’s an incredibly diverse and robust program. Don’t believe us? Just take a look at the numbers and see what farmers themselves have to say.
Crop insurance is as diverse as the crops it protects. Crop insurance covers 136 crops and 604 varieties with 36 different plans of insurance. Crop insurance is also available for livestock.
With the number of options, endorsements, and various elections available, that totals more than 170,000 different county/crop programs.
Crop insurance protects $194 billion worth of crops and livestock.
More than $22 billion worth of specialty crops are protected by crop insurance and farmers buy crop insurance on more than 70 different organic crops.
Crop insurance protects more than 90% of insurable acres of American major crop farmland. Farmers in all 50 states purchase crop insurance.
Farmers trust crop insurance. They buy more than 1.2 million crop insurance policies each year.
Farmers have paid more than $46 billion in crop insurance premiums in the last 10 years. They share in the risk.
“Crop insurance remains agriculture’s best risk management tool, it’s imperative that Congress continue to protect a strong, effective Federal crop insurance program.”
– Travis Beuerlein, Texas Cattle Rancher
“If it wasn’t for Whole Farm Revenue Protection today, you know, I may not be at the size that I am.”
– Brian Campbell, Pennsylvania Diversified Produce Farmer