Despite Crop Insurance, Drought Still Stings Farmers

Stop by most any unirrigated farm across the lower Midwest and you’ll see crops in distress. Midwestern corn and soybean farmers are taking a beating during the recent drought, but it’s not likely to drive many out of business.

Most of those farmers carry terrific insurance, and the worse the drought becomes, the more individual farmers will be paid for their lost crops. The federal government picks up most of the cost of the crop insurance program, and this year that bill is going to be a whopper.


Despite Crop Insurance, Drought Still Stings Farmers

Stop by most any unirrigated farm across the lower Midwest and you’ll see crops in distress. Midwestern corn and soybean farmers are taking a beating during the recent drought, but it’s not likely to drive many out of business.

Most of those farmers carry terrific insurance, and the worse the drought becomes, the more individual farmers will be paid for their lost crops. The federal government picks up most of the cost of the crop insurance program, and this year that bill is going to be a whopper.